Renowned photographer, Matt Day shares his insightful guidelines on how to efficiently use film cameras while traveling. These are not stringent rules, but handy tips, applicable whether you’re shooting with 35mm, large-format, or instant film.
Shooting in Minimalist Style
Too many choices often lead to less actual shooting. Carrying multiple cameras for different film formats, for instance, black and white 35mm or large format color, does not guarantee a better photography experience. The secret to capturing the perfect shot lies in simplicity – one camera and one lens. This helps you focus more on the environment and less on the equipment.
Light Travel is Smart Travel
When it comes to a travel bag, it’s crucial not to let the excitement of the trip make you overpack. Pack light, and bring only what you need. Selecting a smaller camera bag instead of the largest one can spare you the burden of carrying unnecessary gear and reduce the risk of attracting thieves or facing accidental damage in unpredictable weather conditions.
Taking Air Travels into Account
Despite many airports declaring that “film under 800 ISO is safe through the XRAY check,” prudence plays a vital role. Requesting a hand-check for your film will add an extra layer of security during airport checks. Keep your films neatly organized in an accessible zip bag for a smooth security check process.
Matt’s Personal Travel Kit
For personal travels, Matt adopts a minimalist approach with his Leica M6, equipped with a Leica 35mm lens, and loaded with Ilford hp5 black and white film. This compact set eliminates the need for a separate bag.

A Word of Advice
Matt suggests sticking to the lens you’re most used to for personal travel shoots. Other lenses might seem suitable for professional assignments, but for a comfortable, relaxed personal experience, familiarity is key. Using a well-known lens makes it effortless to compose and capture stunning shots.